For Everyone

Partner Yoga for Everyone

Partner Yoga is a healing practice that can significantly improve our relationship with ourselves as well with how we see the world. In this workshop all you need is an open mind and a willingness to connect to yourself and to another. Bring a friend or just yourself to meet someone new. We will ensure that everyone has a suitable partner to practice with in this workshop.

Book your spot via the links below:
13:30-15:30 2nd March – Partner Yoga Workshop @ Circuswerkplaats Boost
13:30-15:30 4th May – Partner Yoga Workshop @ Circuswerkplaats Boost

Union, Compassion, Balance and Community

The meaning of the word ‘Yoga’ is union, to join. Through the practice of Partner Yoga we can learn about the importance of presence in a relationship; to be there for another while also being present for ourselves. The concepts of giving/receiving, self/other are explored as a path to experience the essence of Yoga – union.   

The Dalai Lama says ‘if you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.’ Compassion is an essential part of self love as well as our connection to the world. Compassion takes many forms: love, patience, empathy, kindness, cooperation – all of these are key for the survival of humanity. Partner Yoga provides us with an opportunity to cultivate compassion, to open our hearts to join with another.

Balance is the key to accept all experiences of life as necessary and valuable – darkness with the light, hard and the soft, challenges and the easy flow. In partner Yoga we must be deeply connected to our own center while remaining present for another – it is the essence of balance –  balancing outgoing energy with a deep connection to ourselves. The balance of giving and receiving.

Community is the concept that makes the circle round –  we come back to the first concept of ‘union’. Community is made up by the union of ourselves, another, and the greater circle around us. Through Partner Yoga we begin to understand that the needs of others are neither more nor less important than ours. We realise that we have the power to create a more loving, peaceful and kind world together, through the balance and connections we create.  

These concepts are explored through a series of Yoga poses that are practiced together with a partner with different alternatives offered for different levels of experience with Yoga. No prior Yoga knowledge is required for this workshop.  


‘I did the partner Yoga workshop with Sara and Manu at the Italy Farm stay.
I partnered with Mike.I like to try new things and I observed that doing the partner yoga with a male partner made me realize that I often don’t bond with friends in that way, but that it is after all a good way of bonding and one that is missing often in daily life. My view on yoga is fairly broad. The “real yoga” definitely means observing your mind and your mind’s compulsions. Partner yoga as taught by Sara was practical, enspirited and lightening. Namaste – Rolf


DURATION: 1,5 hours

PRICE: €20 pp