5 Yogic Tips to Feel Better at Work

Yoga balls are fun for everyone!

Yoga is a holistic practice which has multiple branches. Following the steps are said to lead to enlightenment or bliss. The teachings come from Ancient India however can be translated to modern life, and even to Office life! Read on for my 5 tips as a former Office worker turned full time Yogi about how to apply Yoga’s teachings into your work environment.

  1. Yama/Self Restraint: The Yama’s in Yoga are ethical guidelines that are applied to the self. Non-Violence, Truthfulness, Non-stealing, Non-excess, Non-possessiveness.  Be kind and honest with yourself first in terms of what makes you feel well at work. Then use them as a guide to reflect on your interactions and communication with colleagues. The principles can really serve as a guide when you need to prioritise and make choices. 
  2. Non-Excess and Diet: Drink plenty of water and try to avoid snacking out of boredom. Water is said to wake up the brain. It’s the most vital fluid for keeping our bodies lubricated, so they can MOVE without becoming stiff. Lots of water helps to decrease the chances of getting a headache too. If you are hungry eat a piece of fruit but avoid high carb treats while working as sugary snacks can spike your blood sugar and make you feel anxious. The same goes for drinking too many coffees.
  3. Asana/Movement: Simply put means stretch and move! Sitting all day compresses your vertebrae and can lead to back pain and injuries such as a hernia. Even just stretching like you would when you’re waking up in the morning can create space between your spinal discs letting the blood and spinal fluid flow more freely. Take the stairs – Forget the elevator and get some blood flowing through your legs by taking the stairs. You can even take them two by two which will increase hip flexibility and tone your legs and butt!
  4. Pranayama/Breath Control: Go for a walk, get some fresh air and BREATHE during at least one of your breaks. Take a few deep breaths of fresh air and envision your belly like a balloon, inflating with each in breath. Let the belly soften with each out breath and relax your shoulders, chest and back. Breathing fresh air helps to keep your mind awake. Lack of oxygen leaves us feeling tired and sluggish.
  5. Focus/Concentration: Yogic teachings conclude that when we have too much of a broad perspective, our energy becomes divided and we cannot invest wholly into what is important to us. Set yourself clear goals or intentions for each work day. Make them realistic and focus. Try to avoid getting involved in office gossip, it doesn’t help anyone.

See what is on offer and take advantage of Yoga classes provided by your company. Most companies these days have picked up on the importance of taking care of their staff. They will have a gym onsite and usually organize wellness days for their employees or weekly Yoga and mindfulness sessions at work.

I Hope to see you at one of these and if you want to set up a Yoga or Mindfulness class for your office check out what I offer here.

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